The Johnston Family: Loving Life Together and Blessed in Every Way!

The Johnston Family:  Loving Life Together and Blessed in Every Way!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sadie's New Babysitter!

It is finally settled and what a relief it truly is. As of this past Tuesday, Sadie has a permanent in home childcare to attend. She will be staying with a lady named Sheryl. This lady has been keeping children for 17 years and keeps four other small kids. She has a 9 month old, sadie, 2 two year old girls, and a 2 year old boy. We are very excited for Sadie to interact with other children and learn more about life. This lady is super organized and does several organized activities (art, playtime outside, story-time, nap-time, quiet time)! Sadie will begin staying with her on August 18th. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. It's cool to see God provide in HIS perfect timing once again!

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