The Johnston Family: Loving Life Together and Blessed in Every Way!

The Johnston Family:  Loving Life Together and Blessed in Every Way!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Father's day!

This year was JJ's first Father's Day. We spent sometime with his dad at the beach and then we spent some time with Shelley's dad on Sunday. We went to church with Roger and then Grandma cooked a really big lunch. JJ got a bocce ball set for Father's day and he loved it! Here are a few pictures from Father's day!

First trip to the beach!

Last weekend we went to Grandma and Grandpa Johnston's beach house. This was Sadie's first trip to the beach and we had a very enjoyable time. We're looking forward to many more trips with the Johnston's! Here are some cool pics from the trip!

First trip to the pool!

When Sadie was four weeks old, we took her to the pool for the first time. We went to the pool at ECU and the Radez's went with us. It was a nice relaxing time, but Sadie definitely thought the water was a bit cold. Over-all, she did great! We look forward to many more times of fun in the water!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Bumbo seats rock!!!!!!!!!!

The bumbo seat is used when babies can hold there head up. It's recommended at age 3 months to 18 months. Last night we thought we would try Sadie in it since her neck seems to be strengthening up. She did a great job and we can't wait until she can use it more. The pictures were pretty funny!

First Playgroup!

Today we attended Sadie's first Playgroup. We went to the park and took lot's of pictures. Playgroup is every Thursday and it includes a lot of women in the church that we attend. There are lot's of people having babies, so Sadie should have no problem finding friends. Check out some of the pictures from today!

Sadie is one month old!

Since May 7th, life has been very busy and hectic. It's hard to believe that Sadie is now one month old. She just had her check-up and she weighed 8lb 11oz. As you can see, she has had no problem eating. She is on the 47th percentile and the doctor's say that she is very healthy. JJ and I are enjoying every moment of being parents and look forward to seeing more as the days approach us. Sadie is starting to focus with her eyes more and her personality is beginning to come out. I have attached some pictures of her first month in the slideshow below: