Chloe just turned 4 months old! She is such a sweet blessing to have around. It's funny to watch her grow up, because she seems to be just like Sadie was, except for one thing.......SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT (we pray that is coming some day soon). She is such a sweet natured happy baby all of the time. It is very rare that she even cries and most of the time that is because she is hungry. Just his past week, she has began talking or maybe I should say jibber jabbering a lot! It is so cute, but she doesn't want to hush from 5:30 am-6:30 am. Which again was just like Sadie. Another talker is what we have, I believe! Chloe loves her mama and her paci! She is starting to play with some toys, so we'll have to see how much she progresses in the 5th month. We haven't had her doctors appointment, so I am not sure of her weight, but I am anxious to find out how big she is! Just love her!:)
Last month my sister's husband turned 30 and they had a surprise birthday party for him. That was a fun time together for food, fellowship, and laughter!:)
The state fair was filled with lots of excitement with three kids this year. The only day we had available to go, it rained, but we made the best of it and enjoyed every minute! The other times we were there, we were working. I must say that Sadie and Dakota really loved it, especially the chicks. Enjoy these few pictures:
The past few months have truly been a whirlwind, but so much has also occurred. I am going to try my best to update you the best way possible. To begin with we had an extremely successful volleyball season this year. It's the longest I have ever had to coach in one year. We actually made it until November, losing out the game before the state championship! This group of girls will always be special to my heart in so many ways. I love them and they have taught me so much about life. I truly hope that my children can be like them when they go through high school. Very respectable young ladies with lots of ambition. They'll be sorely missed!:)